Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shivaaya Namah Om

Hara Hara Hara Hara Haraaya Namah Om

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Shivaaya Namah Om

Alakha Niranjana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana

Saishwaraaya Namah Om

Sathya Saishwaraaya Namah Om

Pranava Swaroopaa Parameshwaraa

Parthishwaraaya Namah Om

Puttaparthishwaraaya Namah Om

Saishwaraaya Namah Om

Sathya Saishwaraaya Namah Om

[Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Nama Om (16) ]


O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sai Shiva, Thou art The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. Thou art All Auspiciousness and art The Destroyer of our sins. Thou art Immaculately Pure and art The Destroyer of the fear of the innumerable cycles of births and deaths and of the bondage of worldly existence. O Lord Sathya Sai of Puttaparthi, Thou art The Embodiment of The Primeval Sound ‘Om’ and we bow down and offer out Salutations to Thee.


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