Lambodaraa Jaya Gauri Sutaa

Ganadhipaa Jaya Gajaananaa

Lambodaraa Jaya Gauri Sutaa

Bhaala Chandraa Dharaa Gaja Karneshwaraa

Shirdishwaraa Maam Paahi Prabho

Parthishwaraa Maam Paahi Prabho


O Pot-Bellied Lord Sri Ganesha, Thou art The Ever-Victorious Beloved Divine Son of Mother Parvati – Who is The Most Magnificient, Supreme Divine Mother of The Entire Cosmos. Thou art The Ever-Victorious Protector of The Divine Forces and of Demi-Gods. Thy Fore-Head is Adorned with a Crescent Moon and Thou has Elephant Ears. Thou hast within Thee The Brilliance and Tranquility of The Full Moon and Thou Purifies the restless mind. O Lord Sri Sai of Shirdi and Parthi, kindly Protect me.


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