Sri Raama Chandra Ke Dootaa Hanumantaa Aanjaneya

Hey Pavana Putra Hanumantaa Parameshaa Aanjaneyaa

Sri Raama Raama Jaya Raama Raama Parameshaa Aanjaneyaa

Parameshaa Aanjaneyaa Jagadishaa Aanjaneyaa (2)


O Lord Sri Hanuman, Thou art The Most Beloved Messenger of Lord Sri Rama – Who is Cool and Shining and hast within HIM The Brilliance and Tranquility of The Full Moon and Thou Purifies the restless mind. Thou art The Beloved Divine Son of The Wind God and Mother Anjani. Thou art The Ocean of Mercy and Compassion. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Hanuman, Thou sings and chants incessantly The Ever-Victorious Divine Name of Lord Sri Rama of Parthi – Who is The Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. (Exact meaning of the word Hanuman – ‘Hanu’ means to destroy and ‘maan’ means ego – so HE Who has destroyed HIS Ego totally is Hanuman.)


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