Sri Raam Jaya Raam Jaya Jaya Raam Jaanaki Jeevana Raam

Patita Paavanaa Raam Hare Jaya Raghava Sundara Raam

Deenoddhaaranaa Raama Hare Jaya Maaruti Sevita Raam

Jaya Jaya Raam Jaya Raghu Raam Jaanaki Jeevana Raam

O Ever-Victorious Lord Sri Rama, Thou art The Life-Breath of Mother Sita. Thou art The ONE Who Purifies and Liberates the miserable and down-trodden ones. Thou art The Uplifter of The fallen ones. The Ever-Victorious Lord Sri Hanuman is in Thy Constant Service. O Ever-Victorious Lord Sri Rama, we sing and chant Thy Divine Name and Glories incessantly. (Exact meaning of the word Hanuman – ‘Hanu’ means to destroy and ‘maan’ means ego – so HE Who has destroyed HIS Ego totally is Hanuman.)



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