Sri Krishna Govinda Hare Muraare Hey Naatha Naaraayana Vaasu Deva
Achyutam Keshavam Raam Naaraayanam Krishna Daamodaram Bhaje
Sri Krishna Govinda Hare Muraare Hey Naatha Naaraayana Vaasu Deva
Sridharam Maadhavam Gopikaa Vallabham Jaanaki Naayakam Raam Chandram Bhaje
Sri Krishna Govinda Hare Muraare Hey Naatha Naaraayana Vaasu Deva
Govinda Garuda Dhwaja Praana Pyaare Hey Naatha Naaraayana Vaasu Deva (3)
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityaananda Hare Krishna Hare Raam Raadhe Govinda (2)
Govinda Daamodara Maadhaveti Hey Krishna Hey Yaadava Hey Sakheti (2)
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Raama Hare Raama Raama Raama Hare Hare (3)
O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Krishna, Thou art Lord Sri Govinda – The Protector of cows, the earth and of our senses. Thou art The Destroyer of our sins. Thou art The Destroyer of the ferocious demon – Mura. Thou art The Beloved Divine Child of Vasudeva. Thou art Lord Sri Narayana – The Saviour and Sustainer of The Entire Cosmos and Mother Lakshmi – Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity, is Thy Beloved Divine Consort. Thou art Eternal and Immaculately Pure. Thou art Lord
Sri Keshava i.e. Lord Sri Vishnu having a mane of Long, Lustrous Hair. Thou art Lord Sri Madhava – The Master of Divine Knowledge. Thou art Lord Sri Rama and Thou hast within Thee, The Brilliance and Tranquility of The Full Moon and Thou Purifies the restless mind. Thou art The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Sita. O Lord Sri Krishna, Thou art called Damodara (Daam means rope and Udar means stomach) because Thou would be tied by Thy Mother Yashoda, on Thy Stomach or waiste and then, Thou would be tied on a pole, as that would be Thy punishment for stealing butter from Thy neighbouring houses. Thou art Lord Sri Madhava – The Master of Divine Knowledge. Thou art The Delight of The Gopis. Thou art Lord Sri Vishnu and Thou Rides on Thy Divine Vehicle – The Garuda – which is The Celestial Bird with a white mark on it’s chest. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Krishna, Thou art The Divine Jewel of The Yadav Dynasty and art our Most Beloved Divine Friend and we sing and chant Thy Divine Name and Glories incessantly.