Shirdi Ke Sai Parthi Ke Baba

Tuma Ho Hamaare Pyaare Sai Baba

Shirdi Ke Sai Parthi Ke Baba

Prema Maya Sai Prema Pradaataa

Eshwarambaa Nandana Jagat Paripaalaa

Paapa Vinaashaka Parama Kripaalaa


O Lord Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi and Parthi, Thou art our Most Beloved Divine Lord. Thou art The Embodiment and Bestower of Unconditional Divine Love. O Beloved Divine Child of Mother Easwaramba, Thou art The Protector of The Entire World. O Lord, Thou art The Destroyer of all sins and art Most Merciful and Most Compassionate.


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