Shambho Muraare Shankara Muraare

Mura Hara Phani Dhara Shankara Muraare

Shambho Muraare Shankara Muraare

Mura Hara Phani Dhara Shankara Muraare


O Most Beloved Divine Lord Shiva, Thou art The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. Just as Lord Sri Krishna is The Destroyer of the ferocious demon Mura, similarly Thou art The Destroyer of evil. Thou art Adorned by The Cobra around Thy Neck. Lord Sri Narayana is The Atma of Lord Shiva and Lord Shiva Resides in The Heart of Lord Sri Narayana. O Lord Shiva, in Reality Thou and Lord Sri Krishna art both ONE. O Most Beloved Divine Lord, we sing and chant Thy Divine Names and Glories incessantly.


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