Raamaa Krishnaa Govinda Naaraayanaa

Naaraayanaa Sai Naaraayanaa

Raamaa Krishnaa Govinda Naaraayanaa

Naaraayanaa Shirdi Naaraayanaa

Raamaa Krishnaa Govinda Naaraayanaa

Naaraayanaa Parthi Naaraayanaa

Raamaa Krishnaa Govinda Naaraayanaa


O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Rama, Thou art our Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Krishna. Thou art Lord Sri Govinda – The Divine Cowherd Child and The Protector of cows. Thou art Lord Sri Sathya Narayana – The Saviour and Sustainer of The Entire Cosmos and art The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Lakshmi – Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. Thou art our Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai of Shirdi and Parthi and we sing and chant Thy Divine Names incessantly.


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