Nanda Kishoraa Navanita Choraa Sai Gopaalaa
Govardhana Giridhaari Muraari Hey Nanda Laalaa
Nanda Laalaa Nanda Laalaa
Go Paripaalaa Gokula Baalaa Giridhara Gopaalaa
Murali Lolaa Muni Jana Paalaa Hey Nanda Laalaa
Nanda Laalaa Nanda Laalaa
O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Gopala, Thou art The Beloved Divine Son of Nanda. Thou art The Stealer of our hearts and minds. Just as butter is derived by churning milk or curds, similarly, the heart is cleansed, by the purification of thought, word and action and Thou Loves to steal such a pure heart. Thou art The Divine Cowherd Child of Gokul. As Lord Sri Giridhari, Thou Held The Govardhan Mountain, on Thy Little Finger, inorder to save Thy devotees, from the fury of devastating floods and calamities of the heavy rainfall. Thou art The Destroyer of the ferocious demon Mura. Thou art The Delight of Gopis and Thou Plays Enchanting Melodies and Captivating Tunes on Thy Divine Flute. O Lord Sri Sai Gopala, Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of Saints, Sages and the Virtuous.