Krishnaa Krishnaa Mujhe Darashana Do Krishnaa

Krishna Krishnaa Mujhe Darasa Dikhaao Krishnaa

Krishnaa Krishnaa Mujhe Darashana Do Krishnaa

Giridhaari Muraari Krishnaa Ghana Shyaama Muraari Krishnaa

Hey Krishna Krishna Krishna Ghana Shyaama Muraari Krishnaa

Aba Aao Aao Krishnaa Mujhe Darashana Do Krishnaa

Aba Aao Sai Krishnaa Mujhe Darashana Do Krishnaa


O Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Krishna, kindly Grant me Thy Divine Darshan. As Lord Sri Giridhari, Thou Held The Govardhana Mountain, on Thy Little Finger, inorder to save Thy devotees from the fury of devastating floods and calamities of the heavy rainfall. Thou art The Destroyer of The ferocious demon Mura. O Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Krishna, please come now and give me Thy Divine Darshan.


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