Jai Hari Bol Jai Sitaa Raam Gopi Gopaala Bhajo Raadhe Shyaam
Hare Raama Raama Raama Ghana Shyaama Shyaama Shyaama
Sri Raghu Nandana Sri Raamaa Daasharathe Jaya Raghu Raamaa
Nanda Kishoraa Navanita Choraa Brindaavana Govinda Laalaa
Hare Raama Raama Raama Ghana Shyaama Shyaama Shyaama
Sing and chant The Ever-Victorious, Divine Name of Lord Sri Rama – Who is The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Sita. The Gopis sing and chant – The Ever-Victorious Divine Name of Lord Sri Krishna – Who is The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Radha. Thou art Lord Sri Gopala, The Divine Cowherd Child of Gokul. Thou art The Beloved Divine Prince of Dasharatha and art The Divine Jewel of The Raghu Dynasty. O Beloved Divine Son of Nanda, Thou art The Stealer of our Pure hearts. Just as butter is derived by churning milk or curds, similarly, the heart is cleansed by the purification of thought, word and action and Thou Loves to steal such a pure heart. Thou art The Beloved Dark-Hued Lord of Brindavan. O Lord Sri Rama, Thou art The Destroyer of sin and we sing and chant Thy Divine Names incessantly.