Jaago Jaago Maa Shankari Maa

Shankari Maa Abhayankari Maa

Jai Jai Jai Jaga Janani Maa

Jaago Jaago Maa Shankari Maa

Maataa Maheshwari Paarvati Maa

Devi Dayaa Karo Shiva Ramanaa

Devi Triloka Paalini Maa

Jai Jai Jai Jaga Janani Maa

[Jai Jai Jai Jaga Janani Maa (6)]


This is a “Praana Prathisthaapana” song. The Deity – Mother Durga has been sculptured in clay, dried, draped in the finest of silk garments, decked with gold and diamond jewellery and placed in the Shrine. Before the formal worship is begun, devotees chant this song and pray, “Goddess Mother, we have prepared this Statue of Thee in clay. Please Infuse it with Thy Divine Presence. Please Breath Life into it and let it Awaken and come to Life.” The meaning of this Bhajan is – O Ever-Victorious Mother Durga, Thou art The Beloved Divine Consort of Lord Shiva – Who is The Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. Thou art Mother Parvati – The Bestower of Fearlessness. Thou art The Delight of Lord Shiva. Kindly Bestow on us thy Mercy and Compassion. Thou art The Supreme Divine Mother and Protector of All The Three Worlds.


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