Hey Vaikuntha Pate Naaraayanaa

Vaarija Nayanaa Naaraayanaa

Hey Vaikuntha Pate Naaraayanaa

Vaksha Sthala Kaustubha Mani Bhooshita

Shankha Chakra Pitaambara Shobhita

Naaraayanaa Hari Naaraayanaa (2)


O Lotus-Eyed Lord Sri Narayana, Thou art The Lord of Heaven. Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of all and Mother Lakshmi – Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity is Thy Beloved Divine Consort. Thou art Adorned on Thy Chest with The Precious Divine Emerald Jewel called ‘Kaustubha’ in the midst of a necklace of pearls, which was obtained during ‘The Sagar Manthan’ or The Churning of The Ocean. Thou Holds The Conch and The Disc in Thy Hands and art Beautifully Dressed in Yellow Silk Garments. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Narayana, we sing and chant Thy Divine Name incessantly. (Swami says, “God in HIS Cosmic Form is called as Lord Sri Vishnu, Who Permeates everything in The Cosmos. God is The Cause and The Cosmos is The Effect. Lord Sri Vishnu is depicted as having a Conch in One Hand, a Wheel in another, in the Third Hand HE carries The Mace and in the Fourth Hand HE Holds The Lotus Flower. The Esoteric Significance of these symbols is – The Conch is The Symbol of Sound. The Chakra or Wheel symbolises Kaal-Chakra i.e. The Wheel of Time. The Lord is The Master of Time and Sound. The Mace signifies Strength of Power. This means that The Lord Holds in HIS Hand The Strength of all beings. The Lotus in The Lord’s Hand is the symbol of the heart i.e. The Lord Holds in HIS Hands The Hearts of all beings.”)


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