Hey Niraakaari Allah Hey Avataari Prabhu Raam

Janam Janam Mere Saatha Raho Tuma Sathya Sai Bhagawaan

Hey Niraakaari Allah Hey Avataari Prabhu Raam

Tuma Hi Hamaare Maataa Pitaa Sai

Tuma Hi Hamaare Praan

Janama Janama Mere Saatha Raho Tuma Sathya Sai Bhagawaan

Naanaka Eshu Buddha Mahaavira

Saba Hi Hai Sai Raam

Janam Janam Mere Saatha Raho Tuma Sathya Sai Bhagawaana


O Formless Allah, Thou art The Most Merciful and Most Benevolent Almighty Lord. Allah is The Supreme Sovereign, HE is the Undisputed, Unexcelled Ruler of Creation and HE alone is worthy of worship. Thou has Incarnated as Lord Sri Sai Rama. O Lord Sri Sai, Thou art our Beloved Divine Mother, our Father and our very Life-Breath. Thou art Lord Guru Nanak, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Gautam Buddha, Lord Mahavira and all other Forms too. O my Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sathya Sai, kindly be with me, in all the innumerable lives that I have to go through.


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