Hey Brahmaa Hey Vishnu
Dayaa Mayaa Hey Maheshwaraa
Sathya Sai Parameshwaraa
Hey Brahmaa Hey Vishnu
Mahaa Shakti Shiva Sai Shankara
Poorna Teja Sai Avataaraa
O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sathya Sai, Thou art Lord Brahma The Creator, Lord Sri Vishnu The Sustainer and Lord Shiva The Destroyer of all evil. As Lord Sri Sathya Sai, Thou art The Form of both Lord Shiva and Mother Shakti – The Inseparable Aspects of ONE Reality. Mother Shakti weaves the web of Maya and is The All-Pervading Divine Universal Supreme Energy and The Feminine Aspect of Godhead. Lord Shiva is The All Auspicious, All Transcendent Reality, clothed beautifully in Maya. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sathya Sai, Thou art The Ultimate Incarnation with Total Divine Effulgence.