Haraaya Nama Krishna Yaadavaaya Nama Om
Yaadavaaya Maadhavaaya Keshavaaya Nama Om
Gopaal Govinda Bhajo Sri Madhusudan
Giridhaari Gopi Naath Madana Mohan
Jai Raadhe Raadhe Jai Raadhe Raadhe Govinda Jaya Bolo Re
Jai Raadhe Raadhe Govinda Jaya Bolo Re
[Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol
Jaya Raadhe Jaya Raadhe Jaya Raadhe Jaya Raadhe
Jai Raadhe Raadhe Jai Raadhe Raadhe Jai Raadhe Raadhe Govinda Jaya Bolo Re
Jai Raadhe Raadhe Govinda Jaya Bolo Re
Jai Jai Raadhe Raadhe Govinda Jaya Bolo Re]
O Lord Sri Krishna, Thou art The Jewel of The Yadav Dynasty and we bow down before Thee and offer our Most Humble Salutations To Thee. Thou art The Lord Sri Madhava – The Master of Divine Knowledge and art The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Lakshmi – Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. Thou art Lord Sri Keshava i.e. Lord Sri Vishnu, having a Mane of Long Lustrous Hair. Thou art The Embodiment of The Primeval Sound ‘Om’. Thou art Lord Sri Govinda The Divine Cowherd Child of Gokul. O Lord Sri Giridhari, Thou Held The Govardhana Mountain on Thy Little Finger, inorder to protect Thy devotees from the fury of devastating floods and calamities of the heavy rainfall. Thou art The Enchanting Lord of The Gopis and Mother Radha is Thy Beloved Divine Consort. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Krishna, we sing and chant Thy Ever-Victorious Divine Name incessantly.