Guruvaayur Pura Sri Hari Krishnaa Naaraayana Gopaal

Mukunda Maadhava Murali Dhaari Naaraayana Gopaal

Naaraayana Gopaal Sri Hari Naaraayana Gopaal (2)

Mohana Murali Dhaari Sri Hari Naaraayana Gopaal

Govardhana Giridhaari Muraari Naaraayana Gopaal


O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Krishna, Thou art The Beloved Divine Lord of Guruvayurpura. Thou art Lord Sri Sai Narayana – The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Lakshmi – Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. Thou art Lord Sri Sai Mukunda, with The Constant Magnetic Smile and art The Grantor of Liberation. O Lord Sri Madhava, Thou art The Master of Divine Knowledge. O Lord Sri Gopala – Thou art The Divine Cowherd Child Who plays Enchanting Melodies and Captivating Tunes on Thy Divine Flute. Thou art The Slayer of the ferocious demon Mura. O Lord Sri Giridhari, Thou Held The Govardhana Mountain on Thy Little Finger, inorder to protect Thy devotees from the fury of devastating floods and calamities of the heavy rainfall. (The Guruvayur temple in Kerala, near Thrissur is a famous Temple of Lord Sri Krishna, which is considered to be the Dwarka of Southern region. It is said that Lord Brahma worshipped Lord Sri Krishna’s Idol and gifted it to Lord Sri Vishnu during Krishnaavataaram. After Lord Sri Krishna left for HIS Heavenly Abode, The City of Dwarka was submerged under sea. Guru The Preceptor of The Gods, and Vayu The Wind God, were entrusted with the work of finding a suitable place to install the Holy Idol. After a long search, it is said that both Guru and Vayu installed The Idol at The Temple at the insistence of Guru Parshuram. The place got its name ‘Guruvayur’ because both Guru and Vayu installed the idol. The Deity is known as ‘Guru Vayur Appan’ meaning ‘Lord of Guruvayur’. It is a very very powerful place of worship of Lord Sri Krishna and ‘Tulaabharam’ takes place here i.e. people offer of their own weight, either fruits, food, gold, silver etc. depending on what they have committed. This temple has very strict rules of discipline. Here in this temple, men are not allowed to wear a shirt and have to wear the dhoti on their trousers. As far as the ladies are concerned they have to abide by a strict code of dress to enter the temple.)


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