Govinda Raamaa Jai Jai Gopaala Raamaa

Maadhava Raamaa Jai Jai Keshava Raamaa (2)

Govinda Raamaa Jai Jai Gopaala Raama

Durlabha Raamaa Jai Jai Sulabha Raamaa

Eka Tu Raamaa Jai Jai Aneka Tu Raamaa (2)


O Ever-Victorious Lord Sri Govinda, Thou art The Divine Cowherd Child of Gokul. Thou art The Ever-Victorious Lord Sri Rama. Thou art Lord Sri Madhava – The Master of Divine Knowledge and art The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Lakshmi, Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. Thou art Lord Sri Keshava i.e. Lord Sri Vishnu having a Mane of Long Lustrous Hair. It is extremely difficult to seek Thee externally, but Thou art Easily Attained when The Heart yearns for Thee. O Ever-Victorious Lord Sri Rama, Thou art The ONE Who has Innumerable Forms and Thou art Supreme Bliss.


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