Giridhara Mere Shyaama Gopaal
Shyaama Gopaal Sai Gopaal
Giridhara Mere Shyaama Gopaal
Govinda Govinda Gopi Gopaal
Govardhan Oddhaari Gokula Gopaal
Shyaama Gopaal Sai Gopaal
Giridhara Mere Shyaama Gopaal
Mukunda Mura Hara Mohana Gopaal
Murali Manohara Maadhava Gopaal
Shyaama Gopaal Sai Gopaal
O my Most Beloved, Dark-Hued, Lord Sri Sai Gopala, Thou art The Divine Cowherd Child of Gokul. As Lord Sri Giridhari, Thou Held The Govardhan Mountain on Thy Little Finger, inorder to save Thy devotees from the fury of devastating floods and calamities of the heavy rainfall. Thou art Lord Sri Mukunda with The Constant Magnetic Smile. O Lord Sri Krishna, Thou art The Most Enchanting ONE, Who is The Destroyer of the ferocious demon Mura. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Gopala, we sing and chant Thy Divine Names and Glory incessantly.