Ghana Shyaamaa Sundaraa

Bansi Dhara Prabhu Krishna Kanhaiyaa

Tuma Ho Mere Maa Baapa Bhaiyaa

Ghana Shyaamaa Sundaraa

Devaki Tanayaa Hey Nanda Laalaa

Deena Baandhavaa Dwaarakaa Naathaa

Raadhaa Hridaya Nivaasaa Hare Krishna

Madhusudanaa Murali Dharaa

Parthishwaraa Sathya Saishwaraa


O Dark-Hued, Beautiful, Lord Sri Sai Krishna, Thou Holds The Divine Flute and Plays Enchanting Melodies and Captivating Tunes on it. Thou art my Beloved Divine Mother, my Father, my Brother and my Guardian. Thou art The Beloved Divine Child of Mother Devaki and Nanda. O Lord of Dwarka, Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of the miserable and downtrodden ones. O Lord Sri Krishna, Thou Resides in The Heart of Thy Beloved Divine Consort – Mother Radha. Thou art the Destroyer of the ferocious demon Madhu. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sathya Sai of Puttaparthi, Thou art our Most Beloved Divine Lord.


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