Gauri Nandana Gajaananaa

Girijaa Nandana Niranjanaa

Gauri Nandana Gajaananaa

Vidyaa Daayaka Buddhi Pradaayaka

Siddhi Vinaayaka Hey Shubha Daayaka

Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Gajaananaa

Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Shubhananaa


O Elephant-Faced Lord Sri Ganesha, Thou art The Beloved Divine Child of Mother Gauri, Who is The Most Magnificient, Supreme Divine Mother of The Entire Cosmos and is The Beloved Divine Consort of Lord Shiva, Who is The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. Mother Gauri is also called as Mother Girija, as SHE is The Beloved Divine Daughter of The Himalaya Mountain. Thou art The Bestower of Knowledge, Intellect, Accomplishments, Proficiency and All Auspiciousness. O Lord Sri Vinayaka, Thou art The Embodiment of Intelligence and Achievements. O Ever-Victorious Lord Sri Ganesha, Thou art Most Auspicious and we sing and chant Thy Divine Name and Glory incessantly.


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