Gajaananaa Hey Ganapati Devaa
Siddhi Vinaayaka Mangala Daataa
Gajaananaa Hey Ganapati Devaa
Gaja Mukha Roopaa Sai Ganeshaa
Moksha Pradaayaka Hey Gana Naathaa
Paapa Vidooraa Bhava Bhaya Haaraa
Vighna Vinaashaka Vinaayakaa
Vijaya Gajaanana Vinaayakaa
O Elephant-Faced Lord Sri Ganesha, Thou art The Lord of Demi-Gods and of The Divine Forces. Thou art The Bestower of All Virtues, Accomplishments and all Auspiciousness. Thou art Lord Sri Vinayaka – The Embodiment of Intelligence and Achievements. O Lord Sri Sai Ganesha, Thou art The Bestower of Liberation and art The Remover of Sins. Thou art The Remover of Obstacles and art The Bestower of Victory.