Gaja Vadanaa Gana Naathaa Naathaa

Gauri Vara Tanayaa Gunaa Layaa

Gaja Vadanaa Gana Naathaa Naathaa

Vidyaa Daayaka Buddhi Pradaayaka

Siddhi Vinaayaka Hey Shubha Daayaka


O Elephant-Faced Lord Sri Ganesha, Thou art The Lord of The Divine Forces and of The Demi-Gods. Thou art The Beloved Divine Son of Mother Gauri, Who is The Most Magnificient, Supreme Divine Mother of The Entire Cosmos. Thou art Beyond Attributes. Thou art The Bestower of Knowledge, Intellect and Virtues. Thou art Lord Sri Vinayaka, The Embodiment of Intelligence and Achievement and art The Bestower of All Auspiciousness


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