Dhanya Ho Easwaraambaa

Jaga Ko Diyo Laala Baba

Dhanya Ho Dhanya Ho

Kaliyuga Mein Avataara Liye

Sakala Charaachara Ke Bhagawaan

Jagat Oddhaaraa Sai Naaraayana

Dhanya Ho Dhanya Ho

Dhanya Ho Hey Easwarambaa (2)


O Beloved Mother Easwaramma, Blessed art Thou Who gave the world its Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai. O Lord Sri Sai Thou art The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. Thou has Incarnated in the Kali Age and art present in every atom, in everything movable and immovable. Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omnisecient. O Lord Sri Sai Narayana, Thou has Incarnated for The Upliftment of mankind. O Most Beloved Divine Mother Easwaramma – Blessed art Thou.


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