Deva Devottama Deena Samrakshaka
Devaa Dhi Devaa Dayaa Mayaa
Sri Sai Devaa Kripaa Mayaa (2)
Deva Devottama Deena Samrakshaka
Patit Oddhaaraa Paapa Vidooraa
Parthi Vihaaraa Parmeshwaraa
Bhasmod Bhava Karaa Bhava Bhaya Naashana
Sri Sai Devaa Kripaa Mayaa (2)
O Lord Sri Sai, Thou art The Lord of Lords and art The Most Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of All. Thou art The Most Compassionate Lord and art The Grantor of Grace. Thou are The Uplifter of the miserable and down-trodden ones and Thou keeps us away from sins. O Lord, Parthi is Thy Divine Abode and Thou art The ONE, Who Creates Bhasma or The Holy Ash. Vibhuti or The Holy Ash is symbolic of The Ultimate Reality, which remains when the Gross of Ego is Burnt away by the Fire of Divine Illumination. Thou art The Remover of the fear of the innumerable cycles of births and deaths and of the bondage of worldly existence. Thy Divine Form is Amazing and Thou performs Astonishing Miracles. O Lord Sri Sai, Thou art Full of Compassion and Kindness.