Deena Janaavani Vara Daayini
Gyaana Swaroopini Naaraayani
Saishwari Ambaa Jagadishwari
Veda Roopini Vaaghishwari
Veda Swaroopini Vaaghishwari
Prema Pradaayini Parthishwari
Maataa Maheshwari Mana Mohini
Sai Maataa Maheshwari Mana Mohini
Saishwari Ambaa Jagadishwari (2)
O Most Beloved Divine Mother Sri Sai, Thou art The Most Magnificient, Supreme Divine Mother of The Entire Cosmos and art The Bestower of Boons. Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of the fallen and miserable ones. O Mother Lakshmi, Thou art The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity and Thou art The Beloved Divine Consort of Lord Sri Narayana. Thou art The Embodiment of Supreme Divine Knowledge, Intellect and The Vedas. The Vedas are actually The Very Breath of God. The Unique Importance of Vedas rests in the fact that The Vedas Confer Peace and Security on the entire society. O Most Supreme Divine Mother of Puttaparthi, Thou art The Bestower of Unconditional Divine Love. Thou art Mother Parvati – The Beloved Divine Consort of Lord Shiva, Who Enchants all hearts and minds and is The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos.