Dayaa Karo Hari Naaraayanaa

Sai Dayaa Karo Hari Naaraayanaa

Dayaa Karo Kripaa Karo

Dayaa Karo Hari Naaraayanaa

Deena Ke Bandhu Deena Sharanaa Hari Naaraayanaa

Sai Dayaa Karo Kripaa Naaraayanaa


O Lord Sai Narayana, Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of all and Mother Lakshmi The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity, is Thy Beloved Divine Consort. Kindly Have Mercy and Compassion on us. Thou art The Refuge of the fallen and miserable ones. Thou art our Only Shelter. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Narayana, kindly Protect us.


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