Dasharatha Raam Jaanaki Raam
Maaruti Sevita Mano Bhi Raam
Sitaa Raam Sri Raghu Raam
Parthi Purishwara Sri Sai Raam
Jaya Jaya Raam Jaanaki Raam
Ahalyoddhaaraka Aananda Raam
O Lord Sri Sai Rama, Thou art The Beloved Divine Prince of King Dasharatha. O Most Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Sita, Thou art constantly worshipped and served by Sri Hanuman. Thou art The Ever-Victorious, Ever-Blissful Lord Sri Rama. Thou art The ONE, Who Liberated Mother Ahalya from the curse of Sage Gautam and transformed her from stone to human being, by throwing dust on the stone with Thy Divine Foot. Thou art our Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Rama of Puttaparthi Who Bestows Eternal Bliss. (Mother Ahalya was the most virtuous wife of Sage Gautama. Once when Gautam Rishi was away from home, Lord Indra came in the form of Gautam Rishi and Mother Ahalya couldn’t recognize that he was not her husband. While Lord Indra was leaving, Gautam Rishi arrived and he was furious to see him. So he cursed his wife that she would become a stone. When she started pleading, he agreed that only when The Lord touched her she would come back to human form. Ages passed and Mother Ahalya lay down as a stone. Now, when Lord Sri Rama came to the Ashram of Gautam Rishi HE found it all abandoned and when HE inquired with Sage Vishwamitra, HE was told that it was Gautam Rishi’s Ashram and he had passed away since ages. Lord Sri Rama just threw some dust with HIS Foot on the stone which was Ahalya. She stood there in human form and touched HIS FEET.)