Chitta Choraa Muraliwaalaa (2)

Nanda Laala Nanda Gopaalaa

Nanda Laalaa Nanda Laalaa

Brindaavana Shyaama Gopaalaa

Mathuraa Vraja Gokula Baalaa

Mana Mohana Madana Gopaalaa

Nanda Laalaa Nanda Laalaa

Nanda Laala Nanda Gopaalaa

Nanda Laalaa Nanda Laalaa

[Nanda Laalaa Nanda Laalaa (3)

O Nanda Laalaa Nanda Laalaa

Nanda Laalaa Nanda Laalaa]


O Lord Sri Gopala, Thou art The Divine Cowherd Child and art The Beloved Divine Son of Nanda. Thou art The Dark-Hued Stealer of Pure Hearts. Just as butter is derived by churning milk or curds, similarly, the heart is cleansed by the purification of thought, word and action and Thou Loves to steal such a pure heart. O Lord Sri Krishna, Thou Plays Enchanting Melodies and Captivating Tunes on Thy Divine Flute. Thou art The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos Who Resides in Mathura.


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