Chandra Kalaa Dhara Saambha Sadaa Shiva
Shambho Mahaa Devaa (2)
Shiva Shambho Mahaa Devaa
Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah Om
Hari Om Namah Shivaaya Shivaaya Namah Om
O Most Auspicious Lord Shiva, Thou art The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos and The Crescent Moon is Adorned on Thy Forehead. Thou hast within Thee The Brilliance and Tranquility of The Full Moon and Thou Purifies the restless mind. O Lord of Lords, we meditate on Thee and chant and sing Thy Divine Name. We bow down before Thee and offer our Most Humble Salutations to Thee.