Brahmaa Guru Vishnu Guru Maheshwaraa

Hamare Parama Guru Saishwaraa

Dayaa Karo Prabhu Antaryaami

Kripaa Ke Saagara Tuma Ho Sai

Jyoti Binaa Baba Saba Hai Andheraa

Charana Lagaalo Sathya Sai Devaa

Hamare Parama Guru Saishwaraa


O Lord Sri Sathya Sai, Thou art Lord Brahma The Creator, Lord Sri Vishnu The Preserver, Lord Shiva The Destructor of all evil and our Supreme Divine Master. O Lord, kindly Bestow on us Thy Mercy and Compassion. Thou art The Indweller of our hearts. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai, without Thy Divine Effulgence everything is darkness. O Dearest Lord Sri Sai, kindly keep us at Thy Divine Lotus Feet.


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