Bhaja Mana Raamam Sri Raamam
Sundara Shyaamala Komala Raamam
Bhaja Mana Raamam Sri Raamam
Bhakta Samrakshaka Raghu Veera Raamam
Maaruti Sevita Manobhi Raamam
Pankaja Lochana Pattaabhiraamam
Pankaja Lochana Prabhu Sai Raamam
O mind, sing, chant and worship The Divine Name of Lord Sri Sai Rama, Who Is Most Beautiful, Dark-Hued and Soft-Hearted. O Lord Sri Sai Rama, Thou art The Bravest and Most Valiant of The Raghu Dynasty and art The Protector of Thy beloved devotees. Thou were Coronated and Crowned as The Divine King of Ayodhya and Lord Sri Hanuman worshipped and meditated on Thee. O Lotus-Eyed Lord Sri Sai Rama, Thou art our Most Beloved Supreme Lord. (Exact meaning of the word Hanuman – ‘Hanu’ means to destroy and ‘maan’ means ego – so HE Who has destroyed HIS Ego totally is Hanuman.)