Bhaja Mana Charana Kamala Avinaashi

Sai Charana Kamala Ati Komala

Nutana Chabi Upajaati

Bhaja Mana Charana Kamala Avinaashi

Bhakti Shakti Aur Mukti Pradaataa

Teeno Loka Prakaashi

Bhaja Mana Charana Kamala Avinaashi

Bhagawata Inhe Chhod Kahaan Jaiye

Kyaa Mathuraa Kyaa Kaashi

[Bhaja Mana Charana Kamala Avinaashi ]


O mind, chant, sing and worship, The Glories of the Infinite, Immortal Divine Lotus Feet of Lord Sri Sai. O Lord Sri Sai, Thy Divine Lotus Feet are Very Delicate and each time we see Them, They display New Unseen Divine Beauty. They Shower Devotion, Divine Universal Supreme Energy and Liberation. They contain The Divine Effulgence of all The Three Worlds. O Lord Sri Sai, where can we go leaving Thy Divine Lotus Feet, as even visiting Holy places like Mathura and Kashi mean nothing before Thy Lotus Feet.


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