Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Hare Hare

Bhaja Govindam Baala Mukundam

Parmaanandam Hare Hare

Sri Raam Raam Jaya Jaya Raam

Sri Raghu Nandana Sitaa Raam

Hari Naaraayana Bhajo Naaraayana

Sai Naaraayana Hare Hare

Sathya Naaraayana Hare Hare


O mind, sing, chant, and worship incessantly, The Divine Name of Lord Sri Govinda – The Divine Cowherd of Gokul, Who is Ever Blissful. Thou art Lord Sri Mukunda, with The Constant Magnetic Smile and Thou art The Grantor of Liberation. O Ever-Victorious Lord Sri Rama, Thou art The Divine Jewel of The Raghu Dynasty and art The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Sita. Thou art Lord Sri Narayana – The Saviour and Sustainer of all and Mother Lakshmi – The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity, Who is Thy Beloved Divine Consort. Thou art The Destroyer of sin. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sathya Sai Narayana, we sing and chant Thy Divine Names incessantly.


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