Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Gopaalam
Keshava Maadhava Sai Dayaalam
Deena Dayaalam Deena Dayaalam
Keshava Maadhava Sai Dayaalam
Deena Dayaalam Deena Dayaalam
Keshava Maadhava Deena Dayaalam
O mind sing, chant and worship incessantly The Various Divine Names of Lord Sri Sai Krishna. O Lord Sri Govinda, Thou art The Divine Cowherd. Thou art The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Lakshmi, Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. Thou art Lord Sri Sai Gopala – The Divine Cowherd Child Who Bestows Mercy and Compassion on the miserable and down-trodden. Thou art Lord Sri Keshava i.e. Lord Sri Vishnu having a Mane of Long Lustrous Hair.