Bhagawaan Bhagawaan Darashana Do Bhagawaan
Allah Sai Buddha Zoharaashtra
Naanaka Sai Eshu Mahaavira
Saba Kaa Maalika Eka Hai Bhagavan
Parthi Purishwara Raam
O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai, Thou art The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. Kindly give us Thy Divine Darshans. Thou art Allah – The Most Merciful and Most Benevolent Almighty Lord. Allah is The Supreme Sovereign, HE is the Undisputed, Unexcelled Ruler of Creation and HE alone is worthy of worship. Thou art Lord Buddha, Lord Zoharashtra, Lord Guru Nanak, Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Mahavira. O Lord Sri Sai Rama of Puttaparthi, Thou art The Supreme Lord of all.