Bhagata Vatsala Tero Naam O Sai

Dukha Bhanjana Tero Naam O Sai

Bhagata Vatsala Tero Naam

Tuma Sanga Baandhi Prema Ki Dori

Sumirana Karoon Tero Naam Sai

Patitaoddhaarana Bhakta Paraayana

Parthishwara Sai Raam


O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Rama, Thou art known as The Lover of Thy devotees and Thy Name Destroys sorrows and miseries. Dearest Lord Sri Sai, I have tied the knot of the chord of Unconditional Divine Love with Thee and now I pray to Thee to help me chant and meditate on Thy Divine Name always. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Rama of Puttaparthi, Thou art The Uplifter of the miserable and down-trodden ones and art The Sole Protector of Thy devotees.


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