Bansi Bajaawata Raasa Rachaawata

Nata Khata Nanda Ke Laalaa Hey Pyaare Brija Baalaa

Mohana Mohana Maiyaa Bulaavata

Nanhi Nanhi Bahiyan Se Maakhan Khaawata

Yashodaa Ke Dulaaraa Hey Pyaare Nanda Laalaa

Kaaliyaa Ko Basa Mein Laawata

Thumaka Thumaka Sheesh Naacha Dikhaawata

Nanhaa Saa Gopaalaa Hey Shyaamaa Brija Baalaa

Murali Se Manavaa Lubhaawata

Mora Pankhi Mukuta Sajaawata

Kaali Kamaliwaalaa Hey Pyaare Brija Baalaa

Galiyan Mein Hora Machaawata

Gopiyan Ko Chedata Chaadata

Saba Mil Ke Gwaala Baalaa Sai Nanda Ke Laalaa

[Sai Nanda Laalaa Jai Jai Gopaalaa (3)]


O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Krishna, Thou Plays Enchanting Melodies and Captivating Tunes on Thy Divine Flute and Thou Dances Thy Divine Dance – The Raas Leelaa. Thou art The Mischevious Beloved Divine Child of Nanda and Mother Yashoda. The Entire Brindavan Adores Thee. Thy Mother calls Thee Mohan i.e. The Most Enchanting ONE and with Little Hands Thou eats butter. Thou Brought The Kaliya Snake under Thy Control by Dancing on it’s hood. Thou art The Little Divine Child of Brindavan and Thy Crown is Adorned with a Peacock Feather. O Most Beloved Divine Child of Brindavan, Thou Drapes The Black Blanket as Thou passes along with Thy friends through the lanes, making mischief with the milk-maids.


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