Badaa Chitta Choraa Brindaavana Sanchaaraa
Gopaalaa Gopaalaa Hey Murali Gopaalaa
Govardhan Ondhaara Gopaala Baalaa
Gopi Manohara Raadhe Gopaalaa
O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Gopala, Thou art The Great Stealer of our Hearts Who Moves in the Brindavana i.e. the hearts of Thy devotees. Thou art Lord Sri Gopala, The Divine Cowherd Child Who Plays Enchanting Melodies and Captivating Tunes on Thy Divine Flute. Thou lifted the Govardhana Mountain on Thy Little Finger, inorder to save Thy devotees from the fury of devastating floods and calamities of the heavy rainfall. O Lord Sri Gopala, Thou Has Captivated The minds of Thy Beloved Divine Consort Mother Radha, the Gopis and all Thy devotees.