Baba Baba Sai Baba Mere Sai Mere Raam

Yeh Janam Din Hai Aayaa Darshaayaa Tumhe Raam

Yeh Shubha Din Hai Aayaa Darshaayaa Tumhe Raam

Bhakton Kaa Bhaaga Jagaayaa Haan Jagaayaa Mere Raam

Yeh Mangal Din Hai Aayaa Pyaaraa Pyaaraa Mere Raam

Yeh Shubha Din Hai Aayaa Darshaaya Tumhe Raam


O my Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Baba, Thou art my Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Rama. This Most Auspicious Birthday has arrived and given us Thy Divine Darshan. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Rama, Thou has Blessed people with Good Fortune on This Most Auspicious day of Thy Birthday.


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