Ayodhyaa Vihaari Sri Raama Raama Raamaa

Dwaarakaa Vihaari Sri Krishna Krishna Krishnaa

Ayodhyaa Vihaari Sri Raama Raama Raamaa

Sapta Giri Vihaari Govinda Govindaa

Nija Bhakta Hridaya Vihaari Sri Sai Naatha Devaa


O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Rama, Ayodhya is Thy Divine Abode. As Lord Sri Krishna, Thy Divine Abode has been Dwarka. O Lord Sri Govinda, Thou art The Divine Protector of cows and as Lord Sri Venkateshwara, The Cluster of Seven Hills of Tirumala is Thy Divine Abode. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai, Thy devotees heart is Thy Divine Abode and Thou Loves to Reside there.


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