Auron Ke Dukha Hare Hai Tuma Ne Hamaare Bhi Dukha Haro Gopaal
Krishna Muraari Sankata Haari
Sai Deena Dayaal Hamaare Dukha Haro Gopaal
Baba Deena Dayaal Hamaare Dukha Haro Gopaal
O Lord Sri Sai Gopala, Thou art The Divine Cowherd Child, Who has Destroyed the sorrows or others. Kindly destroy our sorrows too. Thou art Lord Sri Sai Krishna – The Slayer of the ferocious demon Mura and art the Destroyer of all pain and sorrow. O Lord Sri Sai Baba, Thou art Most Compassionate towards the miserable and down-trodden ones.