Aravinda Lochana Aarta Janaavana
Sai Naaraayana Sathya Naaraayana
Aravinda Lochana Aarta Janaavana
Easwarambaa Nandana Dosha Nivaarana
Parama Niranjana Hey Shubhaanana
O Lotus-eyed Lord Sri Sai Narayana, Thou art The Protector of the unfortunate, the oppressed, the sick and the unhappy ones. Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of all and art The Beloved Divine Lord of Mother Lakshmi, Who is The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. O Most Beloved Divine Son of Mother Easwaramba, Thou art The Forgiver and Remover of all sins. Thou art The Absolute and Immaculately Pure Lord Who Bestows All Auspiciousness.