Anjanaa Suta Aanjaneyaa
Vaayu Putraa Vataatmajaa
Vaanarottama Bala Bheemaa
Raama Dootaa Ranadheeraa
Sai Raama Dootaa Ranadheeraa
O Lord Sri Hanuman, Thou art The Beloved Divine Son of Mother Anjani and of The Wind God – Lord Vayu. Thou art The Best Amongst Monkies and art the Abode of Divine Strength, Valour and Eternity. O Most Beloved Messenger of Lord Sri Sai Rama, Thou art The Hero of battles. (Exact meaning of the word Hanuman – ‘Hanu’ means to destroy and ‘maan’ means ego – so HE Who has destroyed HIS Ego totally is Hanuman.)