Aneela Kumaaraa Hanumantaa
Anjani Putra Sri Aanjaneyaa
Vaanara Sevita Vaayu Kumaaraa
Aganita Guna Gana Ati Balawantaa
Sri Raama Dootaa Shrita Jana Paalaa
Sri Raama Bhaktaa Abhaya Pradaataa
[Jai Jai Hanumaan Jai Hanumaan Jai Hanumaan Jai Jai Hanumaan]
O Lord Sri Hanuman Thou art The Beloved Divine Child of The Wind God Pavan, Who is also called as Anil and of Mother Anjani. Thou art Served by monkies. Thou art The Store-House of Immeasurable Virtues and art The Mightiest of all. Thou art The Most Beloved and Ardent Messenger of Lord Sri Rama and Thou Protects all people. O Most Beloved Devotee of Lord Sri Rama, Thou art The Bestower of Fearlessness. (Exact meaning of the word Hanuman – ‘Hanu’ means to destroy and ‘maan’ means ego – so HE Who has destroyed HIS Ego totally is Hanuman.)