Ananta Puri Vaasaa Sai Padma Naabhaa
Prashaanti Nilaya Nivaasaa Tiruvananta Puri Vaasaa Sai Padma Naabhaa
Chandra Vadana Pankaja Netra
Bimbaadhara Abhaya Hastaa
Ananta Puri Vaasaa Sai Padma Naabhaa
Prashaanti Nilaya Nivaasaa Tiruvananta Puri Vaasaa Sai Padma Naabhaa
Gangaa Dhara Vighneshwara Velaayudha Kaamaakshi
Saarasa Naabha Pannaga Shayanaa
Naaraayanaa Aganya Roopaa
O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai, Anantapur is Thy Divine Abode. Thou art Lord Sri Vishnu, Who Reclines Blissfully on the Serpent-Coiled bed of The Great Cobra King Lord Sri Adi Shesha, in The Ocean of Milk. Through Thy Navel, Immerged The Divine Lotus, on which is Seated Lord Brahma. Thou art Lord Sri Padma Nabha of Tiruvanantapuram, Who now Resides in Prashanti Nilayam. Thou art The Saviour and Sustainer of all and Mother Lakshmi is Thy Beloved Divine Consort. Thy Beautiful Lotus-Eyed Face, hast The Brilliance and Tranquility of The Full Moon and Thou Purifies the restless mind. Thy Forehead is Adorned with The Crescent Moon and art The ONE Who Blesses all with a Raised Palm. The Holy River Ganga flows from Thy Matted Locks and Thou art The Remover of all obstacles. O Divine Mother Kamakshi, Thou Holds The Divine Spear in Thy Hand. O Most Beloved Divine Lord Sri Sai Narayana, Thy Forms are innumerable.