Ambe Janani Abhiraami
Abhaya Pradaayani Shiva Kaami
Ambe Janani Abhiraami
Shaambhavi Shankari Sarveshwari
Shaanta Swaroopini Shiva Shankari
Prashaanta Swaroopini Shiva Shankari
Sathya Swaroopini Sai Maataa
Shaashavata Aananda Daayini Maataa
O Most Beloved Divine Mother Amba, Thou art Mother Parvati, The Most Magnificient Supreme Divine Mother of The Entire Cosmos. Thou art Most Charming and Supremely Graceful. Thou art The Bestower of Fearlessness and art The Beloved Divine Consort of Lord Shiva, Who is The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos. O Most Beloved Supreme Divine Mother Parvati, Thou art The Embodiment of Peace and Truth and art The Grantor of Perpetual Bliss.