Ambaa Manda Haasa Vadani Manohari Sai Jagat Janani

Maataa Maataa Maataa Jagat Janani

Ambaa Manda Haasa Vadani Manohari Sai Jagat Janani

Jagat Janani Shubha Karini

Sai Jagan Maataa

Sathya Sai Jagan Maataa


O Most Beloved Divine Mother Sai, Thou has an Enchanting Face with a Charming Smile. Thou art Mother Parvati – The Most Auspicious, Most Magnificient Supreme Divine Mother of The Entire Cosmos. O Most Magnificent Supreme Divine Mother Sathya Sai, Thou art The Bestower of All Auspiciousness and we sing and chant Thy Divine Names and Glories incessantly.


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