Allah Naama Bhajo Bhajo Re Bhajo Maulaa Naama Bhajo Bhajo Re Bhajo

Naanaka Eshu Mahaavira Naama Bhajo

Sri Buddha Deva Bhajo Bhajo Re Bhajo Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajo Bhajo Re Bhajo

Sri Raghu Raama Bhajo Govinda Krishna Bhajo

Sri Sathya Sai Bhajo Bhajo Re Bhajo


Chant, sing and worship incessantly the Divine Name of Allah – The Most Merciful and Most Benevolent Almighty Lord. Allah is The Supreme Sovereign, HE is the Undisputed, Unexcelled Ruler of Creation and HE alone is worthy of worship. The Lord is ONE but you may call Him by various Names such as Maula, Lord Guru Nanak, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Mahavira, Lord Gautam Buddha, Lord Sri Rama, Lord Sri Krishna, Lord Sri Shirdi Sai Baba and Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba. O Most Beloved Lord Thou art The Most Auspicious, Supreme Divine Lord of The Entire Cosmos and we sing and chant Thy Divine Names incessantly.


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