Allah Allah Allah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Mohammadur Rasool Allah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Ali Wali Ullah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Allah Allah Allah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Ibrahim Karimullah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Daawood Narimullah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Allah Allah Allah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Esaa Masiullah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Mushtaaqalilullah Laa Ilaha Il Allah
Allah Allah Allah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Shirdi Baba Il Allah Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Sai Kudratullaha Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
Sathya Sai Kudratullaha Yaa Ilaaha Il Allah
O Allah, Thou art The Most Merciful and Most Benevolent Almighty God. Islam means Submission. There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is The Prophet and Slave of Allah. Allah is The Supreme Sovereign, HE is the Undisputed, Unexcelled Ruler of Creation and HE alone is worthy of worship. Thou art Rasool – The Special Prophet who introduced The Sharia. O Allah Thou art our Wali – our God, our Friend, our Protector, our Guardian, our Supporter and our Helper and there is none worthy of Thy Worship except Thee. O Allah we Love Thee. There is no Scholar Greater than Thou. Thou art Ibrahim – The Father of all. Thou revealed the Psalms (Zaboor) to Dawood or David and gave him wisdom, knowledge and a strong kingdom. Thou art Issa – The Saviour of All. We desire only for Allah and HIS companions. Thou art Nature. O Most Beloved Lord Sai Baba of Shirdi and Parthi Thou art our Most Beloved Allah and we sing Thy Praises incessantly.